Meeting Log


  • zoom ()

April 7, 2024, 5:Z

  • Meeting
    • Zoom ( Passcode: 7QwFw1?h)
      • Attendance
        • Chad
        • Tony
        • Allen
  • Contents
    • Tony demonstration
      • new IV (proportion of higher degree employees in organization)
      • new DV (new DT level measure)
        • rough and tentative result shows positive
    • Chad explanation
      • collected 2 bib datasets for “digital transformation” and ‘health care’ and ‘digital transformation’ in general
      • Identified 6 key papers
      • Working on introduction and theoretical framework
  • Todo
    • Chad
      • Introduction
      • Theoritical framework
      • Bibliometric report
    • Tony
      • share data with codebook
      • search possible variable for upper Echols theory
      • prepare moderation, mediation, and cross-lagged modeling
    • Allen
      • Search literature of upper Echols theory (emprical) papers
      • Find combination or what variables they used for UET
  • Next meeting
    • TBA